November 2011, Second issue |
Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate
THESEUS is the largest Integrated Project within coastal risk assessment and mitigation funded by the European Commission and consists of 31 partner institutes. The project is developing a systematic approach to deliver both a low-risk coast for human use and healthy coastal habitats for evolving coastal zones subjected to multiple factors.
With contributions from Louise Firth, Jean-Paul Vanderlinden, Juan Baztan Nabil Touili, Idrissa Oumar Kane, Bénédicte Rulleau, Pedro Diaz Simal, Luca Pietrantoni, Gabrielle Prati, Fabio Zagonari, Jacek Lendzion, Raimonds Ernstein, Barbara Zanuttigh & Giulio Franzitta. Edited by Daphnis De Pooter & Simon Claus